At a time when we are at countdown to the opening of the first commercial version of Wavegarden, the responsible for the technology of artificial waves just disclose stunning images of a nocturnal surf session held in the most famous wave pool in the world. I admit we were a bit jealous in our surf camp in Portugal.
Surf camp in Portugal: Wavegarden to allow surfing at night?
Not only that they already provide visitors with the chance to surf in a completely controlled environment, through a capable of generating one set every minute system (the equivalent of 120 waves per hour), technicians of Wavegarden go even further and are already developing conditions to permit surfing in the absence of sunlight.
The first tests took place in Wavegarden facilities in the Basque Country, a prototype version of the project, using a unique lighting system where the lights placed under water, providing surfers the necessary visibility to go ride the wave from the moment of take-off to completion. What a gret idea to put in our surf camp in Portugal.
The most beautiful surf images ever captured at night
With the participation of surfers Vincent Duvignac, Natxo Gonzalez, Axi Muniain and Asier Maqueda, the first experiments were filmed and resulted in a video that ventured to say, has the most beautiful surf images ever captured at night. It"s seeing it to believe it. We, at our surf camp in Portugal, have already seen it, and we can ensure they are amazing.
The project born in the Basque Country, in Spain, continues to make strides to become the most complete and consistent system of artificial waves created so far. There were nothing like it so far in Europe or the US or even in our surf camp in Portugal.